Tag Archives: property investing

If you want to join the real estate industry, going through a real estate investing course is best for you.  Although anyone can start without proper knowledge, taking a good course will help you get a few ideas and more mileage. Some courses can also be done online.  So instead of traveling long distances to attend exams or classes, you can do everything even if you’re staying at home. Advantages Here are the advantages of taking these courses: •    You will learn a lot of things about real estate very fast.  This is the main advantage of studying – if you combine the course together with hands-on experience, you might not need to spend extra months in formal training. •    Another way that you can save money is by avoiding wrong decisions in the field that might happen when you do not have proper information. •    Networking!  You might meet…

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Real estate investing will work the way that you want it to work.  It is dependent on the goal that you wish to achieve.  Are you looking to build lasting wealth or just wanting to make quick cash?  Do you desire a long-term strategy or a short-term harvest? Rent and Lease Option The question in your mind might be: how does real estate investing work in building wealth?  The answer is found in your investment strategies.  When you buy and hold property to rent or lease to a tenant together with an option to buy, this scenario can be considered as a long-term investment. Rent option involves finding a specific property, making its condition ready for rent, and then marketing it to possible tenants.  This investing strategy offers plenty of profit opportunities.  When the monthly rental given to you is more than the mortgage and other necessary expenses, you can…

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It’s true that there’s no depreciation in properties.  However, there will be times that you’ll fail in your investments if you don’t analyze and factor all costs involved in your application of loans for real estate investing. In real estate, it’s the market that dictates your profit.  When you sell a property, you cannot decide how much your markup should be – it is the price of your competition, interest rate, and a lot of other factors that will determine the selling price. Types of Mortgage Loans From the perspective of an investor, these are popular mortgage types: •    Fixed Rate – predictable, with low risk, but do not always have the lowest rate. •    Adjustable Rate (ARM) – may offer lower rates initially but you must assume the rise of the interest rate throughout the life of your investment. •    Zero Down – no down payment but be aware…

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Before you answer the question: How do I get started in real estate investing? You should first ask yourself why you want to go into real estate in the first place.  What do you want to get out of it?  Of course you want to be successful, but how do you define success? One thing is certain: Success is not an accident.  Successful people in real estate did not become lucky all of a sudden and closed the deals of their dreams.  They made a plan, allowed themselves to be mentored by successful people, and became persistent. Have a Plan for Success According to a thriving real estate investor (since 1998), Steve Cook: “I invested aimlessly for 2 years doing my first 100 deals and then I stopped.  I evaluated what I have done, started from scratch, and came up with a good plan on how to be what I…

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