Which Presidents Were Left-Handed?

Which Presidents Were Left-Handed?

Out of the 44 Presidents of the United States, which presidents were left-handed? After watching President Barack Obama’s Inauguration on January 20, 2009, most viewers would notice that the President signed some official papers with his left hand.

Tracing back into history

James A. Garfield
20th President
Term: 1881- assassinated in 1881

Herbert Hoover
31st President
Term: 1929-1933

Harry S. Truman
33rd President
Term: 1935-1945

Gerald Ford
38th President
Term: 1974-1977

Ronald Reagan
40th President
Term: 1981-1989

George H. W. Bush
41st President
Term: 1989-1993

Bill Clinton
42nd President
Term: 1993-2001

Barack Hussein Obama
44th President
Term: 2009-20013

Eight presidents of the United States have been left-handed and President Barack Obama is now added to the list.  presidents have been democrats, while five have been republicans. The latest two left-handed presidents have both been democrats.  One left-handed president has been assassinated (James A. Garfield).  Most of the left-handed presidents are from the later years of Presidency in the United States.  Interestingly enough, the two presidents involved in an economic crisis in the United States have been left-handed (Hoover and Obama). Clearly, left-handed presidents are very few but each president listed here has had a historic presidency.

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