Category Archives: Education

Why is a college degree an important factor? Higher education plays an important role in the 21st Century because of national and international job markets. People with a high school diploma tend to have a harder time finding jobs that provide financial stability while most recent graduates with a bachelor’s degree can expect a salary of at least $40,000. This is why Higher Education is important because the higher the level of a degree, the more qualified the person is.

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Note taking is important in college due to the fact that professors lecture in different ways and some have a lot to cover. Some students prefer to handwrite notes, while others type their notes on laptops. If you are someone who relies heavily on notes in college, here is some useful advice on note taking and what to do with your notes after you write them!

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President-Elect Obama has appointed Arne Duncan as Education Secretary of the United States. The plans are to improve the education system and this article offers a view on Arne Duncan’s agenda for strengthening education.

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Has the No Child Left Behind act helped our public education system in the United States? What is President-elect Obama’s position on the No Child Left Behind Act? Here’s a brief article explaining some of the current issues revolving around No Child Left Behind.

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When a state faces a deficit, one of the areas that experiences budget cuts is education. This means that public schools have to cut out their arts programs and focus on the rest of the subjects, such as math and science, which are believed to be fundamental. This article provides brief commentary on why art programs in schools are important.

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The transfer mission of community colleges is threatened by many factors including increase in enrollment, influx of low socioeconomic and non-white student populations, and even declines in state funding. To insure the integrity of the community college and address these challenges, the goal of transfer must be strengthened.

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