Monthly Archives: January 2009

Saving money is on many peoples’ minds these days and surely enough, there are several ways to cut back on spending and to save money. It takes some thinking and planning, but being more aware can help you save hundreds of dollars a month! Check out these tips on saving money…

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Keyword research is one of the most important steps in an SEO game plan. Take advantage of 3 of the top free keyword research tools and target keywords that matter. By targeting words or phrases that people actually search for, you can get traffic that will convert.

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Single women can achieve home ownership too.  And if you are a single woman who is buying a new home, you need some tips to help you make the right decision and buy with knowledge and confidence. There are real fears encountered by women who will go into home ownership.  If you are one of these single women, and you will purchase your own house without a spouse or partner, then you might be facing these issues: •    Will men find you unattractive if you have home equity? •    Are men put off or intimidated with women who do not need them? •    When you own your own home, will it decrease your chances of finding a partner because of the belief that couples should buy their home together? Of course the answer to these questions is “no.”  However, it doesn’t mean that women don’t nurture these fears inside of…

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Pay attention to your skin during cold-weather to fight the winter skin blues. Skin treatments and facials can be expensive. Instead, look for simple strategies like these to add in a daily routine to keep your skin healthy.

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Wearing a scarf is a great way to make your outfit fun and to keep you warm during the cold weather. Knowing how to tie a scarf in different ways can give you variety, especially with interesting patterns and colors.

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Rather than turning to sleeping pills, reading a book that only keeps you up, or drinking wine before bed it is more advisable to exercise for better sleep. Unless you’re suffering from an actual sleeping disorder, exercise helps sleep for the average person.

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There are two main types of drinks that come from coffee beans: espresso and drip coffee. Here’s a look at some of the differences between espresso and drip coffee including brewing techniques.

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On Wednesday, President Obama’s stimulus package plan passed through the House of Representatives. The $819 billion stimulus package is a two-year plan calling for urgent fiscal aid from the government during an economic crisis. This is the biggest stimulus plan in history.

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Elisabeth Hasselbeck has announced that she is pregnant with her third child on Thursday morning on The View. After feeling nauseous at the presidential inauguration, Hasselbeck realized she is actually pregnant with her third child.

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President Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act on Thursday reversing the current Supreme Court ruling in order to allow women in the labor force and other workers more time to sue for discrimination in pay.

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